Thursday, January 17, 2008

Blogging at the DNC

2004 was an interesting year for bloggers since the DNC and the RNC invited accredited bloggers to write about the events at the conventions. It was a path breaking moment for citizen media. This election cycle, I applied for video/blogging accreditation for the Democratic National Convention in Denver. I created a blog using the logo and model from OhmyNews, the South Korean citizen journalist site, called OhmyDNC. The Technorati authority for the Hyperborean here is a measly 13, so I doubt that will convince the DNCC to accept my application. However, since Indymedia Presents is a public access television show which airs in places like Chicago, New York and Seattle, perhaps that will convince them to accept my request. I plan to be at the convention regardless and will report on what events and activities are available to me to report.

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